The homelab PDU died!

The homelab PDU died!

My homelab PDU suddenly died! It’s dead, D-E-D, dead! There are few things worse than a server rack suddenly going completely silent…

The PDU has had an error since the power outage last summer — F11 means Power fail on auxiliary 1. Which is an odd error for a PDU with only one input. And; it wasn’t possible to clear or reset it it 😕

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Surprice UPS and shutdown test

Surprice UPS and shutdown test
PDU showing error F11; Power Fail

A few days ago; sitting outside — drinking coffee and minding my own business, I received an email from my UPS:

Utility power not available.

2021/06/01 18:38:27

My homelab had lost both power sources 😮 This whole area had a power outage — a good opportunity to do a UPS and power down test 😛

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My new home office

My new home office

In our new house there is an 20 m² basement, it consists of two rooms — both 10 m². I have turned the inner room into my new home office/server room, with my electronics lab and homelab.

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Homelab (2019)

Homelab (2019)

I’ve got a tiny computer lab at home; a 29U rack with servers, UPS, ATS, PDU, 10 Gbit networking, OPNsense, and all the cool stuff.

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The homelab adventure begins!

The homelab adventure begins!

I first got the server rack back in 2011. At the time I lived alone in a house; I had a UPS, single server, a few cheap NAS’ and a switch in it. When I met my girlfriend, and we moved together about two years later the rack went into storage. And it stayed in storage until we bought our house late 2014, where we currently live. The rack was put to use in my home office in the basement, but not really utilized much. It’s only lately, and after I found /r/homelab, that the rack was truly put to use in my current homelab.

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