With the electricity prices we’ve seen in Europe lately — I wanted to see if we could reduce our energy consumption. I’m specifically looking at “wasted” energy, meaning usage we can reduce without even noticing it.
Homelab power upgrades — new MBP, PDU, and USB power
I’ve already written about my PDU suddenly dying — and in that post I explained that I was going to do some changes to the homelab power layout. It’s time to do those changes 🙂
The homelab PDU died!
My homelab PDU suddenly died! It’s dead, D-E-D, dead! There are few things worse than a server rack suddenly going completely silent…
The PDU has had an error since the power outage last summer — F11 means Power fail on auxiliary 1. Which is an odd error for a PDU with only one input. And; it wasn’t possible to clear or reset it it 😕
Surprice UPS and shutdown test
A few days ago; sitting outside — drinking coffee and minding my own business, I received an email from my UPS:
Utility power not available.
2021/06/01 18:38:27
My homelab had lost both power sources 😮 This whole area had a power outage — a good opportunity to do a UPS and power down test 😛
My new home office
In our new house there is an 20 m² basement, it consists of two rooms — both 10 m². I have turned the inner room into my new home office/server room, with my electronics lab and homelab.