Microblogging in Hugo — using Todoist tasks

Microblogging in Hugo — using Todoist tasks

I’ve had a recurring thought, following by some intense Googling — using this Hugo powered site to microblog. The idea has been fueled by two desires; owning my own “microblogging” data — and making it quicker, and easier, to post something on my own domain.

Being able to quickly snap a photo with my phone and publish it is not so easy with a static website. So I got the idea of using the Todoist app, and their API to post, build, and publish.

This is the story of how I did it, and why it wasn’t a good idea.

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Being a person that writes

Being a person that writes

In 2021 I wrote 69 blog posts, which is an all time record for me. In 2022 — I’m going to try and keep it going 🙂

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My 100th post — and some thoughts on writing

My 100th post — and some thoughts on writing

This is my 100th post! 33 posts (one third 😮) of those were written in 2021. And it’s only the beginning of May 🙂

I’ve tried and failed at blogging several times before, changed platform, and failed again. But this time I have managed to keep it going, at least so far, since I migrated back to Hugo in January.

I’m still migrating content from my old wiki, and have about 25 posts left. I’ve built and documented my electronics projects since 2006, so it’s nice to have all that history in one place — this blog.

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