RS-232 interface module, with voltage measurement. Used to communicate with the emergency power off unit in the Rack box project. Installed inside Rack box status panel. Uses an AVR ATmega8 microcontroller.
Serial port I/O module with 9 in and outputs — AVR

RS-232 interface module, with 9 inputs and 9 outputs. Uses an AVR ATmega8 microcontroller.
Home power consumption measuring unit, with AVR

Measures the power consumption by counting LED pulses from the home fuse box. Measurements can be read via a serial interface, uses the AVR ATtiny2313 microcontroller.
Serial port I/O module with 11 inputs — AVR

RS-232 input module, with 11 inputs. Rebuild of previous RS-485 module. Uses an AVR ATtiny2313 microcontroller.