Surprice UPS and shutdown test

Surprice UPS and shutdown test
PDU showing error F11; Power Fail

A few days ago; sitting outside — drinking coffee and minding my own business, I received an email from my UPS:

Utility power not available.

2021/06/01 18:38:27

My homelab had lost both power sources 😮 This whole area had a power outage — a good opportunity to do a UPS and power down test 😛

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My ZFS SSD pool seems to be working!

My ZFS SSD pool seems to be working!

I moved my main hypervisor, Alpha, into a new server case; a compact Inter-Tech with 8 hot-swappable bays in the front.

I also moved the four SSDs over from the failed ZFS SSD pool project, and this time it worked! 😃

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My 100th post — and some thoughts on writing

My 100th post — and some thoughts on writing

This is my 100th post! 33 posts (one third 😮) of those were written in 2021. And it’s only the beginning of May 🙂

I’ve tried and failed at blogging several times before, changed platform, and failed again. But this time I have managed to keep it going, at least so far, since I migrated back to Hugo in January.

I’m still migrating content from my old wiki, and have about 25 posts left. I’ve built and documented my electronics projects since 2006, so it’s nice to have all that history in one place — this blog.

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Topping E30 DAC, on Arch Linux

Topping E30 DAC, on Arch Linux

I’ve been looking for a reasonably priced DAC for a while. I’m not an audiophile — but I do enjoy high quality, clear and true audio.

Yesterday I received the Topping E30 DAC — which, according to Passion for Sound offers “Amazing Value & Performance!” 😃

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Dominant color background on cover images — with Hugo

Dominant color background on cover images — with Hugo

I recently added a CSS background color to my cover images, using the dominant color from the cover image itself. It is a nice effect, and gives the appearance of faster load time — should the image take some time to complete.

For my transparent cover images; I made the background very opaque, providing a soft touch of color. I think it looks nice 🙂

Here is how I did it. 👇

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