AVR is a series of microcontrollers from Atmel. Fitted with A/D converters, comparators, timers, interrupts, internal oscillator, and more. Flash memory is used for the main program, SDRAM for variables and EEPROM for values that need to be saved through a power loss. Cheap, fast and easy make them perfect for home automation projects.
Serial interface module, with analog and digital I/O — AVR

Serial (RS-232) interface module; providing 6 analog and 2 digital inputs, and 9 digital outputs. Uses an AVR ATmega8 microcontroller.
Serial port I/O module with 15 inputs — AVR

Serial (RS-232) interface module; providing 15 digital inputs. Uses an AVR ATmega8 microcontroller.
Serial port I/O module with 9 in and outputs — AVR

RS-232 interface module, with 9 inputs and 9 outputs. Uses an AVR ATmega8 microcontroller.
Serial port I/O module with 11 inputs — AVR

RS-232 input module, with 11 inputs. Rebuild of previous RS-485 module. Uses an AVR ATtiny2313 microcontroller.