Update Lenovo BIOS with a bootable USB stick

Update Lenovo BIOS with a bootable USB stick

I recently purchased a used Lenovo Thinkstation E32 computer. I always update the BIOS when I get a new machine — here is how to do it using a bootable USB stick. No Windows required.

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Getting started with EVE-NG

Getting started with EVE-NG

I’ve been familiarizing myself with MikroTik equipment recently, especially RouterOS — in a quest to learn and understand more about networking.

During that process I found the YouTube channel The Network Berg, which have been tremendously helpful. I noticed that he used EVE-NG for all his demos and tutorials. It’s a tool to emulate a virtual network environment.

So I set up my own EVE-NG server, here is how 👇

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URL redirection with AWS Lambda@Edge

URL redirection with AWS Lambda@Edge

I recently (finally) finished moving all articles from my old wiki — to this blog. Once that was done I needed to forward all URLs to their new location.

My site is hosted with AWS CloudFront, so I made a simple redirect function and deployed it to AWS Lambda@Edge.

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Inter-Tech 4U-4408 server case

Inter-Tech 4U-4408 server case

I’ve got yet another Inter-Tech rack mountable server case. I really wanted a few hot swappable disk bays in the front, and buying two removable 4-drive backplanes were more expensive than getting a new case 😮

So I sold the 4U-4129-N and moved Alpha into this case instead 🙂

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Mona’s flowers are blooming!

Mona’s flowers are blooming!

As summer is setting in here in Norway — our garden is becoming filled with colors and flowers. I just grabbed the DSLR camera and macro lens one afternoon and took some photos.

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