Measuring outdoor temperature with a Raspberry Pi and DS18B20 probe

Measuring outdoor temperature with a Raspberry Pi and DS18B20 probe

We have a Dakboard digital calendar in our kitchen — showing lots of house and temperature data. So naturally; it must show the actual outdoor temperature as well.

To do this I used a Raspberry Pi 2, and a DS18B20 HAT I made some years back.

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(Re)set the time on our Komfovent ventilation system

(Re)set the time on our Komfovent ventilation system

Our Komfovent balanced ventilation system is pretty bad at accurate timekeeping — the time drifts several minutes over the course of a few months. This is a bit annoying as the operator panel is prominently located on the second floor, and we use it to tell time.

Luckily; the time can be set using the Modbus interface.

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Upgrading the Proxmox VE server hosting my router

Upgrading the Proxmox VE server hosting my router

I recently upgraded all my Proxmox VE servers from version 7 to 8 — which was a straight forward and easy process. But one server presented a challenge; the hypervisor running my router. How to apt dist-upgrade with the router down?

It turned out to be very easy, here is how 👇

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Enabling touchpad tapping in X11 on my Linux laptop

Enabling touchpad tapping in X11 on my Linux laptop

I’ve been using my HP ZBook 15 G5 laptop a lot lately, but it annoyed me that I couldn’t tap the touchpad in i3. It does have physical buttons — but I’m used to tapping on the pad… My laptop is running Arch Linux BTW 😉

Luckily it was really easy to fix 🙂

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Improving dark mode and syntax highlighting

Improving dark mode and syntax highlighting

In May last year; I did some changes to the dark mode theme and syntax highlighting on this blog. Resulting in higher contrast, improved syntax highlighting in light mode, and a few others things.

It took me a while to get around to document this, but here we go 👇

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