Turning Hugo aliases into AWS S3 redirects

Turning Hugo aliases into AWS S3 redirects

I’m hosting this blog on AWS S3 and Cloudfront. One disadvantage with S3 is that it doesn’t have a simple way of creating redirects — like Netlify, Firebase, or even Nginx.

But there is way; using the AWS CLI, put-object, and the x-amz-website-redirect-location metadata.

Here’s how 👇

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URL redirection with AWS Lambda@Edge

URL redirection with AWS Lambda@Edge

I recently (finally) finished moving all articles from my old wiki — to this blog. Once that was done I needed to forward all URLs to their new location.

My site is hosted with AWS CloudFront, so I made a simple redirect function and deployed it to AWS Lambda@Edge.

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Output Hugo aliases as a Nginx map file

Output Hugo aliases as a Nginx map file

In my previous post I wrote about turning Hugo aliases into Firebase redirects. Now — let’s convert them into a Nginx map file, and have Nginx redirect based on that file.

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Turning Hugo aliases into Firebase redirects

Turning Hugo aliases into Firebase redirects

Using Firebase and Hugo? Use front matter aliases to automatically add redirects to your firebase.json configuration. Turning your aliases into proper 301 or 302 redirects.

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Shorten URLs With HAProxy

Shorten URLs With HAProxy

I made a simple script that adds entries to a map file — which HAProxy reads. And voila — a URL shortener! 👇

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