Underground conduits to garage and shed

Underground conduits to garage and shed

Two years ago we dug and laid three conduits from the house to the garage, and from the garage to the shed. Primarily to get more power to the garage — and any power to the shed.

I used the opportunity to put in an additional conduit for fiber, and lots of conduits from the main switch board down into the basement.

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My homelab rack — a 20 year history

My homelab rack — a 20 year history
My setup when living at home, 2004

I built a rack out of wood in 2004 — it was at home, and a lab, of sorts, so I guess that makes it a homelab 🙂

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and look at 20 years’ worth of homelabbing ❤️

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Chasing MikroTik CHR bottleneck

Chasing MikroTik CHR bottleneck

While doing some WireGuard testing between local peers; I noticed weird performance issues on my virtual MikroTik router. This lead me down a rabbit hole of testing the layer 3 throughput on my virtual CHR.

The bit rate started at close to 10 Gbit/s, but then dropped to 3-4 — only in one direction 🤷 Time to investigate…

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Upcoming homelab projects

Upcoming homelab projects

My homelab rack has been running as is for a while now — it’s time for a few new projects.

I’m rearranging stuff to better utilize the space, looking into 25 Gbit networking, and putting a HP Z440 server to good use 🙂

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Measuring outdoor temperature with a Raspberry Pi and DS18B20 probe

Measuring outdoor temperature with a Raspberry Pi and DS18B20 probe

We have a Dakboard digital calendar in our kitchen — showing lots of house and temperature data. So naturally; it must show the actual outdoor temperature as well.

To do this I used a Raspberry Pi 2, and a DS18B20 HAT I made some years back.

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