Building and deploying Hugo staging and production to Nginx

Building and deploying Hugo staging and production to Nginx

I am building my Hugo website on a local LXC container, using Gitea and Drone. There are plenty of tutorials on how to connected those two together, so I won’t go through that here.

Instead I want to show you how I build and deploy my staging and production environment to Nginx — using atomic deployments and unique preview URLs.

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I moved this blog to MediaWiki for one year

I moved this blog to MediaWiki for one year

In November 2019 I moved this blog from Hugo to MediaWiki, in January 2021 I moved it back.

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Output Hugo aliases as a Nginx map file

Output Hugo aliases as a Nginx map file

In my previous post I wrote about turning Hugo aliases into Firebase redirects. Now — let’s convert them into a Nginx map file, and have Nginx redirect based on that file.

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Turning Hugo aliases into Firebase redirects

Turning Hugo aliases into Firebase redirects

Using Firebase and Hugo? Use front matter aliases to automatically add redirects to your firebase.json configuration. Turning your aliases into proper 301 or 302 redirects.

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Website redesigned and simplified (again)

Website redesigned and simplified (again)

It’s not long ago that I redesigned this website, and now — two months later I am doing it again… So why?

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