My electronics lab is tiny, so I’ve had to make the best of the space I do have. Soldering with fume extraction, instruments like an oscilloscope, function generator, bench power supplies.
Rebuilding the exhaust ventilation
I used to smoke cigars in my home office, and the ventilation was pretty much set up for that. My duct fan was connected to an active carbon filter in the ceiling, to make sure the smoke would not be noticeable outside and leak back in when the bedroom windows were open in the summer months. That happened once, and the girlfriend did not approve.
Anyway; after I got the homelab properly set up, smoking cigars in the office just didn’t feel right… All that smoke drawn into the servers, heat-sinks, filters and so on. Never mind the lungs, think of the servers! So it was time to rebuild the exhaust ventilation system to better suit my new needs.
New ultrawide monitor and computer setup changes
I’ve gotten myself one of those ultrawide curved monitors. I’ve wanted one for a long time, and I finally bought one; a Samsung 34". Since my desk is pretty shallow, and not that big really, I also wanted to free up some work surface by getting things on shelves. So I’ve been doing a bit of work on my computer setup.
Adding shelves, lights and a soldering station to my electronics workbench
As I wrote in a previous post about my home office; our house isn’t huge, so I had to make the most of the office/man cave that I got. The electronics corner is pretty small, and a couple of things about it was annoying — like not having my instruments, e.g., oscilloscope and power supply, readily available. So I decided I needed to fix that!
The first look at my home office/man cave
About a year ago the girlfriend and I finally found a house and got settled in. It’s not huge; neither is the garden or the garage. But there was enough space for me to get my own room; a man cave, office, and workshop, all in one! I’m very happy with it, small spaces spike the creativity, and I’ve managed to fit pretty much everything I needed. It has taken me this long to get everything together and document it.