Temperature and auxiliary sensor (RS-485), AVR

Temperature and auxiliary sensor (RS-485), AVR

Temperature sensor with serial RS-485 interface. Two additional sensors can be connected using 3-pin headers on the circuit board. Uses an AVR ATmega8 microcontroller.

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Temperature and humidity sensor (RS-232), AVR

Temperature and humidity sensor (RS-232), AVR

I rebuilt an existing interface module — to be a stand-alone temperature and humidity sensor, with serial RS-232 interface. Uses an AVR ATmega8 microcontroller.

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Temperature and light sensor with signalling LEDs (RS-232), AVR

Temperature and light sensor with signalling LEDs (RS-232), AVR

I rebuilt an existing interface module — to be a stand-alone temperature and light sensor, with serial RS-232 interface and some signal LEDs. Uses an AVR ATmega8 microcontroller.

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Portable alarm system (school project, electronics)

Portable alarm system (school project, electronics)

Portal alarm box unit, my main project on technical college.

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Car warning lights, with AVR controller

Car warning lights, with AVR controller

Strobe light controller, using the AVR ATtiny2313 microcontroller. Meant for cars; with front, side and rear warning lights.

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