Implementing photo gallery posts in Hugo

Implementing photo gallery posts in Hugo

I’ve been thinking about adding some kind of photo implementation on this blog since I first set it up. I didn’t really know what I wanted, or how I wanted to use it - so I’ve been putting it off.

The last couple of weeks I’ve been more interested in photography, even borrowed a macro lens to see if that is something I enjoyed (it was 👍)

It’s time to tackle the photo implementation!

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First real macro photos — Mona’s flowers

First real macro photos — Mona's flowers

I’ve been fascinated by macro photography lately — and as luck, or fate, would have it; Mona is sowing lots of flowers right now 😄

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Three useful Ansible info playbooks

Three useful Ansible info playbooks

I recently started upgrading my servers and containers to Ubuntu 20.04. I made three Ansible playbooks to get information about which hosts I needed to update.

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SIOS — the serial protocol syntax I made

SIOS — the serial protocol syntax I made

When I first started making AVR modules, there was no Raspberry Pi or ESP8266. Arduino was introduced in 2005, the same year I started with the AVR microcontroller. But I didn’t know of it until many years later.

There weren’t any Wi-Fi enabled microcontrollers at that time. Both Ethernet and Bluetooth interfaces were more expensive, and harder to interface. So I ended up using the good old serial port.

I made my first module with a serial interface in 2007. RS-232 was cheap, and easy to implement.

With RS-232 I got a way of getting data between the microcontrollers and the computer, but I still needed a defined syntax. So I set out to make one, and called it SIOS — Serial Input/Output System.

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After trying a lot of task managers, I came back to Todoist

After trying a lot of task managers, I came back to Todoist

I’ve tried a lot of task managers. Todoist was the first task manager I used, back in 2015. I was very happy with it, got premium, but stopped using it about 1½ years later — so what happened?

The answer is rather simple; I got overwhelmed. Not by Todoist, but by the tasks. It may seem counter-intuitive to stop using a task manager when the tasks become overwhelming — and it is. Instead of tackling the growing number of tasks, I convinced myself that the problem was the tool; Todoist.

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